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- ======================
- Araneae 4.5.2 - Readme
- ======================
- This file contains important information about Araneae 4.5.2 that
- you should read before using this product. Documentation about
- Araneae is available via the online help files.
- Please visit the Araneae webpage to make sure you have the most
- recent version. Araneae also has been translated into other
- languages. Please check to see if your language is available.
- http://plaza.v-wave.com/mark/products/araneae.html
- Voluntary Registration
- ----------------------
- Although I am releasing Araneae under the FREEWARE licence, a
- voluntary registration would be greatly appreciated. The
- registration fee is $20 US. Far less than commercial packages
- that attempt to take over your projects for you. :)
- This fee is completely voluntary, but please consider the
- amount of time and effort I spent into creating Araneae. I hate
- nag-screens and time limits, and assume that you do as well. So
- if you use Araneae please show your support and register at:
- http://plaza.v-wave.com/mark/products/register.html
- Frequently Asked Questions
- --------------------------
- Q: How do I pronounce Araneae?
- A: (ar:Σ'nE:A) It rhymes with the words 'Iran, Knee, Clay' with
- emphasis on the first R.
- Q: What does Araneae mean?
- A: It's a classification of spiders (Order Araneae in the Class
- Arachnida). Web Page => Web => Spiders => Araneae. It makes
- sense to me, anyway.
- Q: How can I check for Araneae updates?
- A: Please join the Araneae mailing list. An email will be sent out
- each time a new version is released. Please visit the Araneae
- webpage for more information.
- Q: Why does Araneae need to create temporary HTML files?
- A: If the current document has not already been saved, it creates
- a temporary file that will be viewed with your default browser.
- This temporary file will be deleted when you quit Araneae, or
- you can delete them via the Tools menu. If your document was
- saved since its last changes, it is viewed in your default
- browser as-is.
- Q: How do I stop Araneae from asking me to pick a web-safe colour?
- A: Simply click the 'Remember this action' check box the next time
- you are asked.
- Q: Why doesn't the cursor jump to the end of a line when I click
- somewhere in the document?
- A: This is because the 'Insert Caret Anywhere' option is turned on.
- You can turn it off via the options screen.
- Q: How do I remove the line numbers?
- A: Simply uncheck the 'Show Gutter' option in the Options menu.
- Q: I have a suggestion for Araneae!
- A: Well, that's not a question. But feel free to send me your
- suggestion! My email address is: mark_m@v-wave.com
- Q: Where is the Araneae web page?
- A: http://plaza.v-wave.com/mark/products/araneae.html
- Version History
- ---------------
- Version 4.5.2 (February 22, 2001)
- - Fixed a bug introduced in 4.5 that caused the shortcuts SHIFT-INS and CTRL-INS to not work
- - The settings screen now displays the correct title when using a language other than English
- - Added .inc and .cfm to the list of known filetypes
- - Some users, on rare occasions, were getting an 'EditFlags' message when they started Araneae. This should no longer happen.
- - I'm using a new versioning system. It uses an extra decimal point to better distinguish minor upgrades.
- Version 4.51 (January 7, 2001)
- - <form> and <textarea> tags are now coloured properly without attributes.
- - Araneae will now read the international language modules on locales that don't use a period as a decimal point.
- Vesion 4.5 (January 1, 2001)
- - There's a new, redesigned options screen
- - You can now right-drag files onto document to insert as a link
- - Font Tag Insertion feature
- - Added a new statusbar with INS/OVR indicator and ROW/COL numbers
- - Added support for script highlighting (PHP, ASP, Javascript, VBScript, etc.)
- - Added option to insert all tags as lowercase
- - Much faster shell integration and better multi-open support
- - Text boxes are now focused when you open Find/Replace dialogues
- - A list of recent Find/Replaces are saved for you
- - Added option to set tab indentation size
- - New context-sensitive help system and Windows help file
- - CTRL+F4 now properly closes the window
- - Fixed several syntax colouring anomalies
- - Added <P> tag shortcut
- - Fixed a rather nasty memory leak (only affected some machines)
- - The cursor position updates when you drag external links onto your document
- - Added some useful submenus to the context-menu
- - Added feature to comment out selected blocks of text
- - You can now select your file save format (Windows, UNIX, or MAC)
- - Removed auto-update check feature (bloat)
- This 'feature' caused problems on some machines.
- To check for Araneae updates, please visit the Araneae webpage. :)
- - Alternate translations are now modularized XML files
- Check the Araneae webpage for other language translations!
- - Added additional file extension support
- - Fixed a bug that wouldn't open a file over a LAN using the 'Edit with Araneae' context menu
- - You can now view/hide the toolbar and statusbar
- - Araneae now remembers your custom colours
- Version 4.1 (May 23, 2000)
- - Added additional file types in the open and save dialogs
- Version 4.0 (May 19, 2000)
- - Araneae has been completely re-written
- - Unlimited document length is now supported
- - A completely new text rendering engine is being utilised
- - Multiple level Undo and Redo have been implemented
- - All new Search and Replace allows the user to search over all open documents
- - Multiple Browser support has been added
- - New Insert Image and Insert Link dialogs with relative pathing are available
- - Extended drag-and-drop allows you to drop images into your open documents
- - A new temporary document system has been implemented. Less files need to be created.
- - The colour picker is now web-safe, if the user so wishes
- - Date and Time formats are now taken from the Windows system settings
- - New optional gutter to display line numbers
- - Save All and Close All menu items have been added
- - Several new hotkeys have been added
- - New colours on the tabs allows the user to easily see which documents have been saved
- - A Quicktab library allows you to add common tags using hotkeys
- - More options have been added for extra control over the editor
- - Commonly used options are now implemented as menu items
- - You can now drag and drop several files onto Araneae at once
- - The full path of the current document is displayed in the status bar
- - Windows better recognises Araneae
- - In addition to the current date, you can now display the time
- - The date now displays correctly when you work over midnight
- - Better upgrade checker has been added
- - Added menu option to delete temporary files created by Araneae
- - A new help file created in HTML is included
- Version 3.0 (December 14, 1999)
- - Experimental sidebar added.
- - 3.0 was never released due to awfulness
- Version 2.78 (October 9, 1999)
- - Fixed an unusual open bug that would open documents after you closed them.
- Version 2.76 (August 26, 1999)
- - The tab key now works
- - Fixed a rare slow-loading bug
- Version 2.75 (August 20, 1999)
- - Various Bug Fixes
- - You can now select multiple files in the open dialog
- - Registry settings are now stored in common key (This is so the next time you upgrade, your settings will be remembered).
- Version 2.7 (July 21, 1999)
- - Added an options tab to customize the syntax colouring
- - New Multi-language support
- - Added an option to include Araneae as one of the registered Windows HTML editors
- - Added ability to print
- - Page Setup item also added
- - Re-open menu no longer shows multiple 'Empty' entries
- - Added more keyboard shortcuts
- Version 2.6 (July 9, 1999)
- - Some rare save bugs fixed.
- - The first document didn't always display in the user-select font - fixed.
- - Added a "Close Tab" menu item to the pop-up menu. (right-click the document)
- - If there is an upgrade available, the upgrade checker now displays the version number
- Version 2.5 (July 7, 1999)
- - A complete re-write!
- - Added a proper options screen
- - Araneae now automatically checks for new updates (!)
- - Included a help file, with a small HTML reference.
- - Added an option to include a "Edit with Araneae 2.5" menu item to html files
- - Added a much needed Word-Wrap option.
- - Multiple instances fixed. Opening a document from Explorer opens a new tab in the existing instance.
- - Better find and replace.
- - Scrollbar and cursor positions stay where they are supposed to be when you switch documents.
- - Time can be turned off in the status bar.
- - Now saves old Open and Save directories.
- - Previously opened documents menu item added.
- - Different date insertion formats available.
- - Fixed all the minor annoyances from 2.0. :-)
- Version 2.0 (April 29, 1999)
- - Now sports a nifty multiple document interface via tabs
- - Find and Replace features added
- - File association
- - Drag and Drop support added
- - The cursor position now sets properly after using any of the insertion tools
- - Added a little clock in the status bar
- - Removed the pointless file path from the status bar
- - Araneae now remembers it's window position and other various options
- - Fixed a minor resizing bug
- - Added a font option to the options menu
- - Cut and Copy menu items no longer have the same mnemonic key
- Version 1.0
- - Initial Release
- Legal Information
- -----------------
- This program is provided "As is", with no guarantees of usefulness or
- productivity. The author, Mark McIntyre, bears no responsibility for
- damage to your system resulting from the use of this program.
- You may not: disassemble, reverse engineer, recompile, decompile or
- otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Program; remove,
- obscure or alter any notice of copyright or other proprietary right
- present on or in the Program; or permit or authorize anyone else to
- take any action described in this sentence.
- If you do not agree with these terms, you must uninstall the program.
- Use of the program implicitly means you have agreed to these terms.
- This document is (c) Copyright 2001 by Mark McIntyre
- Araneae is (c) Copyright 1998-2001 by Mark McIntyre
- All Rights Reserved
- Contact Information
- -------------------
- Mark McIntyre
- mark_m@v-wave.com
- http://plaza.v-wave.com/mark